sabato 19 aprile 2008

Snapshots of the Pizza Stage Torneo

You can see the different phases of the Pizza Stage where the students have been involved by the members of Pizzerie Italiane and Scuola di Pizza who showed students how to mix the ingredients, make the pizza dough, flatten the pizza balls, garnish the pizza, use the peel and cook it !
Isn't it wonderful what they were able to do?
Domenico Guarino
cooking teacher, Italy

1 commento:

etwinning referent ha detto...

Mimo, the students from Romania want to thank to you for your elegant introduction.
We spend a spelndid time in Trebisacce, at the school, with you and with your students.
I hope that you'll be able to travel to Cluj-Napoca to see the Romanian students practicesing at the school workshops.
Alex Liscan
Romanian team