This is a two-year etwinning project that aims to investigate the sociological aspect and the practicability of pizza business across Europe.The active partners of the second year are: IPSIA “E.Aletti”,Trebisacce,Italy - Barna Sipkay Secondary School of Commerce,Catering and Tourism, Hungary-Escola secundária de D. Duarte,Portugal-Colegiul Tehnic Raluca Ripan,Romania- Rīgas Uzņēmējdarbības koledža / Riga Business College,Latvia- Cooperative Technical College, Kotelnich, Russia
You can see the interview the Italian local TV Tele A1 made to us soon after the etwinning prize. There is also a link to the national Italian network Televideo where there is mentioned our prize!! Give it a look! See also what my NSS review about the project prize and my interview!!!